Massage Ann Arbor

Your guide to finding Ann Arbor's best massage therapists!

  • Welcome to Massage Ann Arbor!

    Welcome to Massage Ann Arbor

    Massage Ann Arbor is your guide to finding the best massage therapists in Ann Arbor.

    Massage therapy can help relieve stress, tension and anxiety. It can help a wide array of problems such as chronic back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, muscles that are sore after a hard work out, muscle spasms, muscle strains, pain caused by scoliosis, improper work or sleep positions, and even ease post-operative pain and speed recovery.

  • Welcome to Massage Ann Arbor

    Treat chronic pain issues

    If you're looking to treat chronic pain issues such as these, look for a massage therapist who is nationally certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and who specializes in deep tissue massage therapy to treat chronic pain issues. When you set up your appointment, tell your therapist what you need worked on and ask what they can do to relieve your pain.

    However, if you don't like or can't tolerate deep tissue massage, then look for someone who practices Swedish massage. Just be sure to point out to the massage therapist that you are having specific pain issues that need special attention.

  • Finding the right Massage Therapist

    Finding the right Massage Therapist

    Finding the right Ann Arbor Massage Therapist can help you control and manage your chronic pain, reduce stress and improve your overall health and possibly reduce the need to rely on over-the-counter pain medications.

    If you're looking for a great massage, Ann Arbor is the place!

  • Amy Prior Massage

    Amy Prior Massage

    Amy is a nationally certified massage therapist, certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCTMB). Amy offers deep tissue massage therapy in the Ann Arbor, MI area. If you experience lots of stress and anxiety, chronic pain issues, muscle soreness, throbbing tension headaches, low back/neck/shoulder/hip pain, postural imbalances, or reduced range of motion, Amy can help!

    Find out more!

  • Sandy Castle Massage

    Sandy Castle

    Sandy Castle is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist. Sandy has been practicing massage in the Ann Arbor area for seven years. If you are looking for help with your chronic pain issues or you are an athlete who is looking for improved sport performance then you are in the right place.

    Find out more!

Certified Massage Therapists

Be sure you are working with a certified practioner who specializes in specific deep tissue massage to treat chronic pain issues. When you call to set up your appointment ask the therapist about their education and whether they are certified by an appropriate agency, like the NCBTMB, a national certification board recognized throughout the U.S. Ask about the type of massage program they attended, the number of hours of the program and the focus of their training. Ask how long they've been practicing massage therapy and if they have any references you can contact. This will help you to not waste your time and money on a therapist who may not perform the specific work that is needed to help you alleviate your chronic pain issues.

Medical massages: Treating chronic pain, backaches, neck tension, sciatica, leg cramps, more...


Stretching improves circulation and relieves tension in tight muscles making the physical tasks that you do easier! If you're unsure how to get started, call and schedule an appointment. We'll work together to develop a custom stretch routine that works for your tight areas.

Stretching: Focus on flexibility

Ann Arbor Massage

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